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Editors’ Choice Awards

Editors’ Choice Awards

We are fortunate to be able to test-fly dozens of amazing planes, helicopters and gear throughout the year. The products we recognize here have all been reviewed in the last year and exceeded our expectations for quality and performance. They also have that “wow” factor that sets them apart from the rest. At the RCX banquet, we announced the following awards.

Innovation of the Year
When we first heard about this product, we couldn’t wait to try it out. A helicopter equipped with sensors to automatically avoid hitting walls or other objects was just what we had been waiting for! After flying the Evolve 300 CX, we knew we had found our pick. Congratulations to Innovative Flight Technologies for their very innovative helicopter.


Radio of the Year
This 7-channel unit has all the features plane and heli pilots need and full telemetry capability, so you can get in-flight information on your aircraft’s performance! Add in a price tag of just $300, including a receiver, and we knew the Spektrum DX7s had to be our radio of the year.


Helicopter of the Year
What could be better for helicopter pilots than a flybarless machine that’s ready for 3D aerobatics out of the box? Built for performance, inexpensive to repair and just the right size to keep in your back seat for anytime, anywhere flying fun, the Blade 450X is our pick for helicopter of the year.


Plane of the Year
When you first see our plane of the year, you might think that someone spent hundreds of hours building and detailing this WW II warbird, outfitting it with retracts, navigation lights, flaps, drop tanks and a scale aluminum finish. In fact, our pick takes just a few hours to assemble, and it’s made of high-density EPO foam so it’s lightweight and easy to fly. Congratulations to Kondor Model Products for their P-51D Mustang, our plane of the year.


Updated: June 7, 2013 — 9:12 AM

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