The Long Island Skyhawks hosted their 8th annual giant scale Dawn Patrol event and they had an amazing time doing it! With flying kicking off at the crack of dawn, (about 5:15am) and lasting until well into dusk (8:15pm), this group of World War One RC pilots really know how to put on a show! Watch for a detailed event article in the December issue of MAN! There were more giant scale WW I warbirds than ever before.
Dave Von Frank’s 1/4 scale Fokker Triplane comes in for a landing.
Many of the WW I warbirds at the Dawn Patrol were 1/3-scale. Most built from Balsa USA kits.
Lou Centrangelo’s 1/3-scale Triplane lines up for a pass in the Bomb Drop contest.
Beautifully built and finished 1/3-scale Fokker D.VII flown by Mike Gross Sr.
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