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The RC Car Action Gear Guide is on Sale Now!

The RC Car Action Gear Guide is on Sale Now!

The Radio Control Car Action Buyer’s Guide has been an annual favorite for more than 25 years, and every issue is packed with hot cars, trucks, parts, and accessories—that will never change. What has changed, though, is the look!  This edition gets a name change to Gear Guide, and you’ve probably already noticed the changes to the layout before you even made the walk to the cash register. Here are more photos, larger images, editors’ comments, and a whole lot more. We’ve pared down the listings (do you need diff balls from 10 different brands?) to focus on the most exciting stuff that makes the RC world go around, and with more than 300 listings, there’s plenty to see. Flip through the pages and you’ll find cars, trucks, parts, electronics, and a bunch of stuff that you probably never knew existed. If you’re new to the RC hobby or even have been in it for a while, this is the place to compare products and find the best ones for you.  The RC hobby is always expanding, and you can keep up with all of the new gear by checking out rccaraction.com. It’s updated daily.

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE… Of course, this issue is full of awesome RC products, but we also took the time to put some articles together to show you what you can do with all that cool gear. Take a look at what we have for you in this issue of the RC Gear Guide.


The RC Car Action Gear Guide is on sale now at your local newsstand or you can buy online HERE !




Updated: November 4, 2015 — 10:31 AM

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